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Be Wise Classroom Materials



The Be Wise Classroom Resource has been carefully developed in collaboration with the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, teachers, psychologists, researchers, students, and parents. It brings a whole of community approach to learning emotional engagement, ethical reflection, and an understanding of how your own views and choices matter.

Designed as a teacher-led resource, it includes:

  • Presentation slide deck to share in the classroom
  • 2 powerful videos sharing Pat’s story
  • Detailed teaching guide
  • Workbook for students’ notes and reflections
  • Explanatory linkages to the Victorian Curriculum

The Be Wise Classroom Resource illustrates why, when faced with social violence, the decisions we make are important. It gives a relevant demonstration of the impacts and consequences that can follow, from a range of perspectives – the victim, the perpetrator, families and communities.

Easy to follow, the resource is the perfect follow-on from our Be Wise presentations.

Feedback from teachers who have delivered this material has been incredibly positive, with student engagement more than they see in many other programs.

Estimated presentation and discussion time is around 1 hour.

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Be Wise Classroom Materials - Pat Cronin Foundation
Be Wise Classroom Materials